Save Space In Luggage: Ideas That will Let you Avoid Bulk

Packing is a delicate blend of art and science. You don’t need to carry all the house hold things with you. Only necessary things should be packed that meet the demands of airline baggage, weight and size requirements. Apart from this, it should also stay suitable to your needs and demands.  

Be smart enough to carry things that you might need or things that are important for you. If you carry too much stuff, it will be difficult to manage plus the custom officers at the airport can stop you for questioning and the case can be worse if he asks you to open the luggage.

In order to keep yourself safe and tension-free learn the packing tips and save space in your suitcases.

Do Your Laundry on the Road

It doesn’t matter if you are travelling for longer period or shorter period of time, keeping a travel size bottle of detergent in your bag is actually taking space of some other important stuff. Detergents don’t cost much and can be bought through the stores. You can wash your clothes in the sink in your hotel room. Travel suppliers like Magellan`s sell laundry lines with suction cups, you can hang your dripping clothes out to dry. This simple trick allows you to double or triple the usage you`ll get from just a few sets of clothes.

Know Exactly What You Should Pack

Many travellers are so stressed out that they over pack things. Avoid doing this mistake by making a list of things that you might need while you are travelling. Divide the list into two parts. Firstly, consider the things that are your needs. Things that are must for your survival. The second part is where you decide the clothes and accessories you need while you are travelling. This will make your packing organized and help you be under weight. As you keep the things in your bag, tick off the item so that you know that it is in your bag.

Know What Not to Pack

There are certain things that you should not carry along as you won’t need them.

It is easy to stuff as much into a suitcase as humanly possible and call it a day, but all the things aren’t worthy carrying. There are certain things that you should not carry along as you won’t need them or things that could be bought from the place you are travelling to. Things like medicine, jewelry, guide books and beauty products. All these things are easily available anywhere. Plus things medicines and beauty products can lead you to trouble at the airport. So you should know what not to pack to make space for useful things in the suitcase.

Wear your Bulky Items, Don’t Pack Them

Accessories such as jackets, hats and boots shouldn’t be packed in the bag. These things take a major part of your suitcase and you eventually don’t have enough space for other things. Instead of packing these things, wear them.

Weigh Your Bag Before You Get To The Airport

Weigh your bag before you reach the airport. When you discover that your bag exceeds the airline`s weight limits for luggage you have two options, remove some items from your bag or pay the overweight baggage fees. But if you are at home when weighing your bag you can swap out some heavier items for lighter ones.

Don’t Fold your Clothes, Instead Roll Them

Folding your clothes creates creases and it`s not the best way to maximize suitcase space. Roll your shirts and dresses into tightly packed tubes which you can neatly stack in your suitcase. This will make space in your bag and it will look more organized with all the things neatly packed.

Don’t Leave Packing to the Last Minute

Packing in a hurry will definitely lead you to over packing. Instead of keeping the last day for packing, start with your packing a week before you have to leave. This way you will be able to decide what to keep in the bag and if you want to send any cloth to laundry, you can get it done and you won’t be in such a desperate rush to grab and go.  

Photocopy Relevant and Interesting Page of a Guide

Why keeping a whole guide book in the suit case. Guide books will cover a good space of your suitcase. Instead of carrying the whole book photocopy the important pages of the guide books. Use both the sides of the paper, print off any bar, restaurant and route recommendations. This will save you a ton of space.

Everything or anything you are putting into the luggage should be picked with purpose and intent and our tips are an amalgamation of that. And if you are already a light packer, then do share some creative ideas, in the comment section, that will let the readers have some extra space.

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